Fresh & Healthy: Processed right after harvest, at facilities just one hour away from the farms, Noordzee products are always fresh and healthy as they have just come out of the water.

Traceability: Noordzee tracks and controls all the fish it produces in all stages from raw materials to final products delivered to the customer. Upon request you are immediately informed on the conditions, time and feed used to grow the fish served to your table.

Timely Delivery: Fresh products have a short shelf life. With Integrated Management System and wide logistics network Noordzee delivers your orders hygienically packed and right on time wherever you are located.

Global Quality Standard: Carrying out production at the highest applicable standards with advanced technological infrastructure and modern management approach, Noordzee always guarantees the best.
Noordzee produces via its
state of art facilities at the
highest standards.
state of art facilities at the
highest standards.